sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2006


Proprieties: Pharmaceutical of grateful effectiveness in the prevention and the treatment of the shyness, shyness, nationalism, racism, and other wrongs of social order.

Composition: stay in a city of the EU to continue university studies

Indications: it favors the learning of languages, the sociability and the interest for the culture, the tolerance and the feeling of belonging to Europe

Posology: To administer at least once in a lifetime, preferably in young people.

Presentation: stays of 3 to 12 months

Contraindications: not described

Incompatibilities: the sentimental relationship in the country of origin can suffer damages, for what doesn't advice its simultaneous use.

Secondary effects: The mother language can suffer damages, as well as any studied third language (these symptoms disappear when abandoning the treatment); there can be an increase to the attendance to parties, promiscuity, inability of living again with the parents, criticizes of the domestic habit of origin, dependence of the e-mail. Multiplication of payments to Europe 15, travel through Europe to visit the friends, idealization of the medication.

Cautions: in some cases it was described dependence to the treatment and depression when abandoning him; if it is this way, to administer periodic trips in the city Erasmus until the dependence attenuated.

Warning: in some cases the patient had stayed in the welcome country; sometimes permanently.

Intoxication: the intoxication is rare, given its high therapeutic index. Prescription is not needed.

(I translated it from a Spanish text, so it’s no perfect, but still the idea was not lost)

2 comentários:

Pipsa disse...

"Dependence of the e-mail" ->

"Dependence of e-mail, blogger and messenger?"

silvia disse...

bitte pipsa!!!! Noch mal in internet!!!!Fräulein,kein Theater mehr!!!
I love the part of the damage of 3rd languages!!